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Hampi sets the stage for the 3rd G20 Sherpa meeting

Virupaksha Temple

The 3rd G20 Sherpa meeting, held from July 13 to 16, 2023, is taking place in the historic city of Hampi, Karnataka, as part of India’s G20 Presidency. Amitabh Kant leading this India’s G20 Sherpa meeting. Over 120 delegates, including Sherpas, heads of delegations from G20 members, invited countries, and international organizations, are attending this four-day gathering. The main focus of the meeting is to collaboratively draft the Leaders’ Declaration, which will be later adopted by the G20 leaders during the New Delhi Summit.

The opening day of the meeting commenced with a productive drafting session, followed by a series of one-on-one meetings. India’s G20 Sherpa, Amitabh Kant, engaged in separate discussions with Dr. Angelina Grant, the Sherpa of Australia, to explore potential areas of collaboration between the two countries regarding G20 priorities. Additionally, Kant also held bilateral talks with Jorg Kukis, the Sherpa representing Germany. The two Sherpas engaged in fruitful dialogues concerning the transformation of the energy sector, advancements in electric vehicles, reforms in the international financial system, and the promotion of local value creation in the modern era.

During the Sherpa meeting, there will be discussions on various important topics including green development, climate finance, promoting environmentally-friendly lifestyles, fostering rapid and resilient growth that includes everyone, expediting progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, leveraging technological advancements and digital public infrastructure for the 21st century, enhancing multilateral institutions for development, and empowering women-led development.

As part of the Sherpa meeting, an itinerary has been arranged for the delegates to explore the rich cultural heritage of Hampi. They will have the opportunity to visit renowned sites such as the Vijaya Vittala Temple, the Yeduru Basavanna Complex, the Virupaksha Temple, and the Hampi Museum. These visits aim to provide the delegates with a firsthand experience of the diverse and ancient civilization and culture of Hampi, showcasing the remarkable heritage preserved in these historical landmarks.

G20 Sherpas Receive Heartwarming Reception at Preceding 3rd Sherpa Meeting

The distinguished G20 Sherpas and delegates were greeted with a traditional and warm reception upon their arrival at the Evolve Back Kamalapura Palace for the 3rd Sherpa Meeting, scheduled to commence on July 13th. Leading the meeting is India’s G20 Sherpa, Shri Amitabh Kant, with the attendance of more than 120 delegates, including Sherpas, Heads of Delegations from G20 member countries, invitees, and International Organizations (IOs).

With warm hospitality, the staff of the resort greeted the G20 Sherpas and delegates, following traditional Indian customs such as applying tilak and presenting them with Silk shawls as a token of respect. The 3rd Sherpa Meeting, commencing today and lasting until July 16th, 2023, will witness the active participation of 120 delegates. During this meeting, the delegates will collaborate in crafting the Leaders’ Declaration, which will be subsequently endorsed by the G20 Leaders at the upcoming New Delhi Summit.

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