

Boost your business, brand or service

We have active audience from Hosapete, Ballari, neighbouring cities and abroad.

Social media Packages

  • 500-1000 Daily Website visitors

    Display your ads on every article we post. We have 500+ daily website visitors. We post high-quality content which keeps our visitors coming back for more.

  • 24,000+ Instagram Followers

    Don't miss the most important mode of advertising. High-Quality posts and user engagement on all our social media platforms

  • 10,000+ WhatsApp Group Members (50 Groups)

    We keep our subscribers updated even on WhatsApp. Your ad will reach directly on your customer's phone.



Rs 5000/-

  • Instagram post

    Say more with Swipeable posts. Custom made Swipeable post on Instagram to display more photographs and text with all details of your business/service.

  • Instagram story (2 Times)

    Custom made story post on Instagram with all details of your business/service. And repost within the same week.

  • Facebook Post

    Custom made singular post on Facebook with all details of your business/service.

  • WhatsApp Post in 50 groups

    Ad post on 50 WhatsApp groups with all details of your business/service.



Rs 4000/-

  • Instagram post

    Say more with Swipeable posts. Custom made Swipeable post on Instagram to display more photographs and text with all details of your business/service.

  • Instagram story

    Custom made story post on Instagram with all details of your business/service. And repost within the same week.

  • Facebook Post

    Custom made singular post on Facebook with all details of your business/service.

  • WhatsApp Post in 10 groups

    Ad post on 10 WhatsApp groups with all details of your business/service.



Rs 2000/-

  • Instagram post

    Custom made singular post on Instagram with all details of your business/service.

  • Instagram story

    Custom made singular story post on Instagram with all details of your business/service.

  • Facebook post

    Custom made singular post on Facebook with all details of your business/service.

  • WhatsApp Post

    Your Ad on WhatsApp groups with all details of your business/service.

Advertise on the

Big screen

in the heart of the city


per slot


slots per month


days of non-stop advertisement in a prime location

Each ad will be played more than 7000 times

Free Ad design. No extra charges

More Services

  • Website Development

    Basic, E-commerce or custom

  • Print or Digital Banners

    Premium business cards, flyers ad banners and more

  • Pay Per Click Advertising

    Advertise world wide

  • Social Media Management

    We manage your online presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter by creating, publishing, and analyzing content for you.

Contact us

Call us for more details or custom marketing solutions as per your needs.


You can make the payment through cash, bank transfer, PhonePe, Google Pay or any UPI. Note that all payments will be advance and not refundable.

You can provide us that basic details such as the Business/Service name, address, phone number, details of products or services and photographs if any. You can also provide more details to be used in the article on the website. We will call you to fetch more details if the information is not sufficient.

We will design your web banner, IG post, IG story, Facebook post and WhatsApp group post materials with no extra cost. You will have to provide your logo (PNG format with transparent background) and photographs if any.

We use 1080 x 1080 px for IG Facebook and WhatsApp post and 1080 x 1920 px for IG reels or Story.

  • We do not advertise alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco, deceptive/misleading advertisements, illegal goods or services which are banned by the state and national government.

Zeen is a next generation WordPress theme. It’s powerful, beautifully designed and comes with everything you need to engage your visitors and increase conversions.