
Foreigners caught partying at a holy site in Hampi, angry locals inform cops


Hampi residents urged police to take action against a group of foreigners after they were observed having a party at Hampi’s renowned Purandara Mantapa shrine. Police issued them a warning. A group of five tourists was observed smoking and drinking at the holy place near the Tungabhadra river.

When several locals observed the foreigners, they called the police. Officers ordered them not to throw a party close to the sacred place. The tourists were forced to unload the wine and other items they were carrying once the police arrived at the scene.

Locals in Hampi claimed that they were against the tourists who were drinking and lounging on the edge of Purandara Mantapa. “As we started recording them, they realized something was wrong. One of the visitors asserted that there were no signs in the area prohibiting partying. The police were contacted, and they informed the tourists of the restrictions “a local person remarked.

Source: Unlimphotos

Every year, Hampi draws a sizable number of foreign visitors. In addition to visiting Hampi’s well-known landmarks, the majority of visitors from outside of Indonesia come for the area’s rock climbing and water sports opportunities. The Tungabhadra River near Hampi and Anegundi in Koppal is popular among foreign swimmers.

“Foreign visitors frequently wander alone around Hampi’s hills and surrounds. When people visit the information center or rent bicycles, we typically give them a briefing on the dos and don’ts. The tour guides receive instructions before they embark on a group excursion. We warn visitors about going alone into the hills around Hampi since leopard sightings there have been frequent “a tourist guide said.

No charges have been filed against the international visitors, according to a representative of the Hampi Management Authority, but the police have issued them warnings. The official continued, “Even foreign visitors appreciate the sacredness of temples and there is no need for signboards prohibiting smoking inside any temple or monument.”

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