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Attractive Structure-Octagonal Bath, Hampi

Source: Unsplash

This Structure-Octagonal Bath is located in Hampi. Hampi is home to various historic monuments and ruined structures. This is one of the ruined structures in Hampi. You will get to know about the octagonal bath. Besides this structure-octagonal bath, there are different water pavilions in Hampi, such as Queen’s bath, Manmatha tank, and various other pushkaranis.

The octagonal bath is a structure in Hampi, a bathing area of Octagon shape. People usually get confused between the Octagonal water pavilion and the Octagonal bath. But these are the different structures of Hampi. 

This structure is located on Hampi’s main road. The bath shelter has a platform in the middle and it is encircled by a pillared veranda all around it. The section between the platform and the veranda is of circular shape, earlier filled with water but now it is vacant. On the western side of this, you will spot several bases of ruined palaces. 

This octagonal bath is located in an isolated area but it is connected well with a muddy road. At a distance of around one kilometer or you can say in the northeastern direction of the popular temple Chandrashekara you will notice a polygon structure of this place. 

A thorny gate was built to close the mud road. You can visit this structure if you are in Hampi and have much time to explore Hampi.

Other Water Pavilions in Hampi

As mentioned earlier, Hampi is home to some remarkable structures. Tungabhadra is the main water source of Hampi and this river doesn’t need any description.  Some water pavilions that are worth a visit in Hampi are mentioned below:-

Queen’s Bath

Structure-Octagonal Bath
Source: Unsplash

This used to be an exceptionally beautiful structure of Hampi. During the time of Vijayanagara, but now it is ruined. Some man and nature mishappenings destroyed this structure. But you will definitely get a glimpse of its beauty! It is around 500+ years old structure now, yet it attracts the attraction of many visitors every year. It is located near the royal enclosure. Check out the full details of Queen’s bath .


Pushkaranis are the water tanks of Hampi. These waters are connected with the temples and serve the purpose of water requirements in the temples. They are indeed just water tanks, but every structure of Hampi is unique in itself. The structure of these pushkaranis never fails the visitors of Hampi. Some pushkarani are still in use by the temples.

Manmatha Tank

You can call it a pushkarani but it is quite famous among all. This tank has shrines all around it and the structure of this tank is worth a view. Manmatha tank is a water body that is associated with the temple and serves the purpose of the temple, Kangiri Gopura. So this is another marvelous structure of Hampi

Final Note For Structure-Octagonal Bath

These are some water structures of Hampi. You can easily reach here if you are in Hampi. One thing to mention again is that don’t get confused with Octagonal bath and Octagonal Water Pavilion. The octagonal water pavilion is not exactly in Hampi. Every structure of Hampi speaks something about its history. Even the ruined structures till now win the hearts of people with just a glimpse of their architecture.

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