Minister Anand Singh stated that if North Karnataka becomes an independent state, the Vijayanagar district will be its capital.“The soil of the Vijayanagara Empire is special.”
He made the highly controversial statement that there is a chance that the new Vijayanagara district will become the state’s capital if North Karnataka declares to be separated from the union.
The proposal to separate North Karnataka from Karnataka has been resurrected. Anand Singh, the tourism minister, mentioned that Vijayanagara will serve as the state capital if Uttar Karnataka becomes a distinct entity. He said this statement in Bhattaralli, Hospet taluk, Vijayanagar district.
Anand Singh stated that work on the district office has begun in a half-acre space at the district headquarters while addressing the BJP office’s foundation stone laying ceremony on (December 15) close to the Anjaneya shrine in Hospet taluk of Vijayanagar district.
Before, Umesh Katti frequently discussed the idea of North Karnataka becoming an independent state. Anand Singh joined Umesh Katti by bringing up this topic. Vijayanagar is now the 31st district in Karnataka, thanks to Minister Anand Singh. His assertion has therefore gained significance. The possibility of North Karnataka becoming a distinct state in the near future is being discussed.
On February 8, 2021, Vijayanagar district, which had been split from Bellary district’s undivided portion in 2020, became Karnataka’s 31st district. The formation of the district was authorized and a notification was issued by the administration of BS Yeddyurappa, who was the then-chief minister of Karnataka, on November 18, 2020.