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Six COVID-19 positive students appeared for CET in Ballari

As many as six students who were tested positive for COVID-19 appeared for the Common Entrance Test in Ballari. Separate seating arrangements were made for these students at the COVID Care Centre set up at Government Dental College, Ballari, and the use of PPE kits, masks and sanitisers were made mandatory.

They all had lost hopes that they would write their CET, but we made arrangements to write the exam in the COVID Care Centre. The students hailing from Ballari, Huvinhadagali and Shiraguppa, were brought three hours prior to the exam by taluk health officers in ambulances. They were subjected to health screening when they arrived.

Dr Prashanth R, nodal officer, COVID Care Centre, Government Dental College, Ballari said that all six student’s results came as positive just a few days before the CET.

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