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Pipeline Work At Hampi Continues, Regardless Of Opposition

Amidst heavy opposition to the pipeline construction work that has been going on in the Hampi’s core region, the work still manages to continue. The use of JCB for digging purposes instead of laborers was also defiantly opposed by various activists from in and around Hampi.

One of the prime reasons for the opposition of the pipeline installation work done by using JCB is the harsh vibrations that would develop on the ground which might end up destructing precious monument in Hampi. This construction site is close to the very famous and intricate Queen’s Bath in Hampi.

“There’s no new construction that has happened in Hampi lately, The Hampi World Heritage Area Management Authority has ruled that no machinery can be used, but now is it okay to violate the same rule?” questions Vijayanagara Memorial Culture and Conservation Army President, Vishwanath Malagi.

“There’s Tungabhadra river that is mostly never dry and has numerous tributaries and flows very close to Hampi. There’s also an ancient well nearby which is fed by the Tungabhadra water, and I don’t see the need for the pipeline installation” says Mr. Malagi asks out of worry.

Entire glory and existence of Hampi can be erased if projects like this takes place frequently. The authorities are expected to take action against these threats to the Hampi’s betterment.

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