In an unconventional turn of events in Ballari on January 3, a real-life love story unfolded with cinematic flair as Shivprasad and Amrita, a couple deeply in love, defied familial opposition to tie the knot inside a car. Reminiscent of a scene from the popular film series, the duo exchanged garlands in a car.
Hailing from different backgrounds, Amrita, a young woman from Koppal, and Shivprasad, a resident of Tekkalakote in Ballari, faced staunch disapproval from the girl’s parents due to caste differences.
Amidst this backdrop, Amrita found herself torn between her desire for parental approval and her love for Shivprasad. The tension escalated into a public confrontation between the couple in front of Shanti Dham, resulting in a chaotic scene. The cinematic drama unfolded as Shivprasad attempted to theatrically pull Amrita into the car, leading to a heated altercation involving both sets of parents.
As Amrita was forcibly taken away by her parents in the car, she passionately declared, “I want a husband.” In a dramatic twist, Shivprasad halted the vehicle, bravely confronting his own parents to plead for his beloved. This entire episode unfolded before the watchful eyes of the police.
Despite the turmoil, Amrita, caught in the crossfire, found refuge in a comfort center, courtesy of her parents. Shivprasad, determined to be with his wife and ensure her protection, spent the entire night stationed in front of the comfort center. The incident showcased the complex interplay of love, societal norms, and familial expectations, all playing out in a cinematic spectacle in the heart of Ballari.