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Hampi Express from Hosapete now runs as an Electric Train

The Hampi Express from now on will run as an electric train, which by far was run on a diesel engine. By launching the Hampi Express train as an electrical train, Vijayanagara district’s Hosapete hits a new milestone.

A complete digital technology has been adopted by the newly formed district in respect to the electric trains. The functioning of the trains has begun from June 5.

Bangalore-Jodhpur express trains will also run with the help of an electrical engine. Railway department officials said that gradually all the trains travelling through this route will adopt the same electric train model.

The trains arriving from Hubli to Hosapete shall function regularly as the diesel engine and the engine shall be changed to electrical from Hosapete junction. Therefore, the passengers shall get more time as the engine changing would take 25-30 mins. The power line works on the Hubli route are progressing rapidly. Once the work is completed, the trains will travel from Bangalore to Hubli starih]ght as electric trains without any delay.

Till now, Bengaluru to Ballari had the privilege of Electric trains and Hosapete has been included since June 5. Now the passengers can travel from Bengaluru to Hosapete in a comparatively lesser time as the engine changing time has been cut in Ballari Junction.

The usage of electric trains over traditional diesel trains is numerous. The time of travel can be reduced as the speed of the electric trains are comparatively faster when compared to Diesel engine trains. The air pollution caused by the diesel engine trains can also be drastically reduced as the electrical engine trains are eco-friendly and have lower maintenance cost compared to the diesel engine rails. It is also evident that the cost of Electric trains is lesser compared to Diesel engine rails.

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