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From silver screen to classroom dreams: Ballari’s 40-year-old cinema hall turned into a school.

This cinema, with a history spanning four decades, now serves as the premises for a residential school that accommodates 226 female students in grades 6 to 10. The school is located in a former cinema hall that was abandoned and dilapidated. The renovated building is converted into a school with classrooms, dormitories, kitchen, and toilets. 

The school provides free education to the children of migrant workers who come from different states such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra. The children are taught in Kannada, Hindi, and English languages

Within the confines of the aging cinema, two to three classes simultaneously take place in a single hall, leading students to express concerns about the challenges they face in understanding the lessons amidst the shared space.

It is an example of how a neglected building can be transformed into a place of learning and hope for the children of migrant workers, who often face hardships and exploitation. The school aims to empower the students with knowledge, skills, and values that will help them lead a dignified and successful life.

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