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Ballari residents honor former DC SS Nakul by naming Link Road after him

In a gesture of gratitude, residents of Ballari city have named a link road in Kappagallu area after former Deputy Commissioner SS Nakul. Nakul, who currently serves with the Union government, is fondly remembered as one of the district’s most admired DCs, having served from 2020 to 2022.

Nakul’s approachable and compassionate nature, especially his proactive response to public issues and his efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic, earned him the affection of local residents. His dedication made him a hero to many, with one couple even naming their child after him as a token of appreciation for the treatment they received during their battle with COVID-19.

Residents expressed that while IAS officers are often seen as distant due to their positions and hectic schedules, Nakul’s hands-on approach and willingness to engage with the public made a lasting impact. Naming the prominent link road to the city “SS Nakul Marg” is a sign of respect and admiration from the community.

Nagendra Reddy, a Kappagallu resident, emphasized that Nakul’s legacy would remain in the hearts of the people due to his unique work style and meaningful connections with both the public and officials. “We received permission from the corporation to put up the signboard. Such IAS officers are needed everywhere,” he stated.

Reddy also highlighted Nakul’s personal touch, recalling how, during his tenure as ZP CEO, Nakul had his wife admitted to a government hospital for delivery, setting an inspiring example for others.

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