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Two minors held for stealing 34 motorcycles in Anantapur and Ballari

Authorities apprehended four young individuals and confiscated 34 stolen motorcycles valued at ₹29 lakh, along with a tractor and trolley, during operations in Anantapur and Kalyanadurgam on Thursday. Two minors, suspected to have assisted the culprits, were presented before juvenile justice authorities.

Superintendent of Police K.K.N. Anburajan, addressing the press, disclosed that the Central Crime Police and Anantapur II-Town police collaborated to conduct raids on the outskirts of Anantapur town, resulting in the arrests and seizures.

The three culprits, Naresh, Mahesh, and Nani Kumar, aged 21 and hailing from Anantapur district, reportedly formed a gang and engaged in vehicle theft from busy locations such as hospitals and bus stations in Anantapur and Sri Sathya Sai districts, as well as Ballari in Karnataka.

Detailing their modus operandi, the SP explained that the gang meticulously observed the movements of two-wheeler owners and executed the thefts using duplicate keys. Recently, the gang allegedly stole a tractor and trolley in Nallacheruvu village, subsequently selling them at discounted prices in Kalyanadurgam.

Investigations revealed that the gang enlisted the assistance of two minor boys during their operations, compensating them with commissions.

In a separate incident, the Kalayanadurgam urban police arrested Puthala John (28), a resident of Anantapur town, and seized five motorcycles valued at ₹4 lakh from a concealment in Kalayanadurgam. The accused has been remanded.

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