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SSLC Exams in the district goes unhindered

The SSLC exams were conducted peacefully and without any obstructions in the districts of Ballari and Vijayanagara alongside COVID-19 concerns. The students had arrived at the examination centres before the scheduled time in order to avoid last-minute tantrums.

The students were seen facing the first of two papers bravely keeping aside the worries and anxiety of COVID-19. At the various examination centres in Hosapete, the students were allowed to enter one after another, eliminating the possibility of crowding in the centre grounds.

The systematic way of entering the examination hall was followed even by the students who had belonged to the Rural areas. The concept of Social-distancing was seen following at the examination centres.

The students were seen carrying their own masks and were allowed to enter the centres after a thorough thermal screening and application of sanitisers. The was no violation of the rules set by the administration to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

Parents of a few students accompanied them to the examination centres and motivated them to give their best and the unwanted movement of people around the centres were prohibited by the administration as CPC section 144 was imposed.

In each exam hall, only 12 students were made to sit. Due to the prohibition of crowding around the exam centres, the students were able to write their papers in a rather peaceful manner. In a few centres, masks, water bottles, and biscuits were distributed to the students at centres.

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