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Protests In Ballari For Delay In Granting Scholarships

Campus Front Of India, Ballari called for a protest on Monday in the District Minority Office, Ballari. They demanded the fastening of the scholarship distribution and the deduction of Ph.D. and M.Phil fellowship for minority students. The campaign that kicked off with the discontent of the students was named ‘Scholarship Kodi’, the movement for the scholarship.

The Ballari district organized this protest as part of the statewide movement ‘Scholarship Kodi’ against the subsequent delay. Ballari district president Salim Malik, and District Secretary Mujeeb Ur Rehman, and district committee members were present at the protest that happened on Monday.

Various places in Karnataka like, Ramnagara, Gulbarga, Kolar, Koppal, Gangavathi, Magadi, Mangaluru, etc, have been organizing the protests with regard to the same issue of delay in Issuance of Scholarships.

Their main aims/objectives were: simplify the scholarship procedures, Pending scholarship files must be processed immediately, All modes of Scholarship must be released immediately, Revoke orders regarding the reduction of Ph.D. fellowship, Action should be taken against misusing of the scholarship fund.

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