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People of Kudligi and Sandur want to include the taluks in Vijayanagara District

The decision of the government on splitting the Ballari district has given rise to a new set of demands. The people of several taluks of the district now want themselves to be included in the newly carved out district. The people of Kudligi and Sandur taluk have sought that they are to be added in the Vijayanagara district.

JD(S) district president N T Bommanna said that Kudligi should be included in the Vijayanagar district. He said that the formation of a new district would have no meaning if Kudligi was not included in it. He even warned of launching a protest if Kudligi was left out from the new district.

There has been heated discussions on social media such as WhatsApp and Facebook. This demand is heard from Koodliigi and Sandur, which belongs to the Vijayanagara Assembly constituency.

Meanwhile, Srishaila Aldalli, the leader of Janasangrama Parishad said that the new district would be “unscientific” if Sandur, situated at a distance of 28 km from Hosapete was not included. In a Facebook post, he stated that Sandur was close to Hosapete than Ballari and it would be easy for Sandur residents to travel to the district headquarters.

Everyone have welcomed the establishment of a new district but they have made the assertion that it does not make sense if their taluks were not included. Expressing optimism that the establishment of the Vijayanagar district will lead to the development of western taluks.

NT Bommanna, the president of the JDS district unit, has warned that if Kudligi is not included in the new district it would fight for it. According to him, Kudligi should join Vijayanagar district rather than Bellary district.

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