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Inhumane treatment towards dead bodies – DC orders investigation

A video has been circulating in social media showing bodies of the Covid-19 victims who died were pulled from a van and thrown into a ditch.

There are clear SOP (standard operating procedure) and guidelines by the Karnataka government on how to handle a dead body infected by COVID-19

However, in the video, it can be seen that the pit was already dug and 3 to 4 health workers can be seen pulling the dead bodies out of the van and dumping them right into the pit.
Questions were also raised on the burial of multiple bodies in a single grave.

Ballari DC SS Nakul said that the administration will look into the matter and take action.


The Karnataka government has disbanded a field team involved in burials of bodies of Covid-19 patients in Ballari district after videos emerged of disrespectful handling of the bodies.

The government also apologised to the families of the dead.

Congress leader D K Shivakumar posted a video which allegedly showed members of a field team dumping bodies of Covid-19 patients in an open pit.

The government acted quickly. Deputy Commissioner and District magistrate S S Nakul in a statement said an enquiry was ordered under Additional Deputy Commissioner and it was found that the video belongs to Ballari and companies of burial of eight people who succumbed to Covid-19.

“The video shows that protocols/SOP to be followed for burial (body bags, lining etc.) have been strictly followed. However, District Administration is deeply upset and sorrowful at the manner in which the remains of the deceased were handled…. The entire field team involved has been disbanded and will be replaced by a new team trained by the HoD, Forensics, VIMS.” Nakukl said.

“The District Administration regrets the incident and hereby unconditionally apologises to the families of the departed in particular and the people of Ballari in general,” Nakul said.

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