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Flags that grow into a plant for independence day

Every year, millions of Indian flags are sold across the country prior to Independence day and all these plastic flags are discarded on the streets after the celebrations get over.

In the hope of eliminating needless plastic waste and transform Independence day into an eco-friendly, Nagesh Naidu from Hospet along with Eco destiny has come up with an innovative way of using Bio-degradable Paper for flags that have seeds artfully embedded in them. These can be planted respectfully for the best of the environment. Mr Nagesh was also seen conducting awareness programs for not using plastic flags on Republic day celebration.

We don’t mean to disrespect the Indian flag in any way. We are true patriots and we were appalled by the mounds of plastic Independence day flags that reach the garbage bin or the landfill each year. This year, we wanted to do something for the country. And what better than a plantable seed paper Republic Day flag that actually grows instead of just being dumped? Making the Difference, one Indian flag at a time. Such seed paper flags are to be disposed of, in private, consistent with the dignity of the flag.

Nagesh Naidu

Call or WhatsApp: 8904155198; 7892145829 for more details.

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