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Environmental Impact Due To Mining In Ballari District

Kumaraswamy Hills

An air quality assessment was conducted in Sandur, with the rising need to study the distribution of dust particles from the year 2000 to 2010. It showed the size of the particulate matter (dust) ranging from 0.1 μm to 0.58 μm (1 metre=10,00,000 μm) with the dust particles covering the entire area.

Rudra Gowda, a farmer from Basapura village in Sandur, said that this year, in September 2020 the maize production was satisfactory, but he now has recently sown chili and onion which is why his primary concern was the air pollution caused in between the months of November and February, as it would affect the yield.

“The dust situation is so bad in the village that, when we go to extract honey from the honeycomb, dust always is present. The major pollution is from a private factory closeby, since it is not only due to mining but also due production wastage of steel, cement, and other products,” he added.

Social worker Sanna Mareppa said that owing to mining and the transportation of iron ore, a lot of dust pollution can be seen in many areas in Sandur, Hosapete, Toranagallu, Halakundi, and Rayapura of Ballari district. He said it has led to a rise in the severity of health problems such as tuberculosis, silicosis, asthma, respiratory problems, and eye-related problems.

He alleged that while top mining companies are employing people from other states and earning huge profits, it is the local citizens that suffer from severe respiratory diseases and they struggle to meet their basic needs.

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