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Covid Care

Covid-19 resource database for Ballari and Vijayanagara

We are building this database to help the public with resources related to Covid-19. Resources such as oxygen suppliers, equipment, beds, isolation centers and anything that relates to public health with respect to the current pandemic situation.

While we strive to maintain as much information as possible, this will only get better with your help. Please share this page as much as possible within your reach to help people get resources, whereas organizations to be able to list their contact information.


Available resources

This database is constantly being updated every day. If you were unable to find something, please check again later.

We are not affiliated with the government or organizations listed within this database.

Feel free to get in touch with us if there are any mistakes in the database such as wrong phone numbers, not responding, or service no longer available.

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List your service here

Are you a supplier (Oxygen, equipment), service provider (Isolation centers, medicine delivery) or want to volunteer to help? Fill out the form below and we will list it on the database.

This database is constantly being updated every day. If you were unable to find something, please check again later.

We are not affiliated with the government or organizations listed within this database.

Feel free to get in touch with us if there are any mistakes in the database such as wrong phone numbers, not responding, or service no longer available.

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