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Ballari’s residents protest the burial of COVID-19 infected woman

Residents of Vajpayee Layout and surrounding areas protested on Tuesday, against the burial of a woman who died of Covid-19, at a graveyard near Sangankallu Road.

The 85-year-old woman, a resident of Kappagal Road, Ballari, was admitted to VIMS on June 17 and died on June 22. Her throat swabs came positive for the virus. She had kidney problems, pneumonia and suffered from acute respiratory shock.

Residents claimed that the district administration was performing the last rites of patients who died due to Covid in this burial ground and they feared the spread of the virus in the area. They urged the government to find a place on the outskirts of the city which is not residential.

The impasse continued till MLA G Somashekhar Reddy and other local leaders managed to convince the residents to allow the woman’s last rites to be held at the burial ground.

When contacted over phone, deputy commissioner SS Nakul said due to lack of awareness some residents had been protesting. “We have created awareness that burying or cremating deceased who were infected poses no risk to residents in the area,” he added. Assistant commissioner Ramesh Konaraddi urged people to cooperate with the district administration in arranging the last rites of those who die of Covid-19.

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