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Ballari’s jeans industry struggles amidst acute water crisis

Amidst a challenging water crisis exacerbated by drought conditions in Ballari, the local jeans industry is facing significant hardships. With over 100 manufacturing units reliant on borewells, the looming water shortage threatens operational sustainability as temperatures soar. The reliance on water tankers, though a temporary solution, poses long-term viability concerns for the industry.

The Jeans Industry Welfare Association has urged the Ballari district administration to address the water crisis by implementing alternative measures. Situated predominantly along Guggarahatti, Andhral, and Airport Road, these units await the fulfillment of a longstanding demand for a dedicated pipeline to the industrial area.

Pollux Mallikarjun, a unit owner, underscores the dire impact on business operations, particularly in the crucial initial days of summer. With each product requiring substantial water usage in the washing process, the depletion of borewell levels poses a grave challenge. Mallikarjun highlights the daily production of over 100,000 products, each necessitating thousands of liters of water, which has become increasingly scarce.

Echoing concerns, another unit owner emphasizes the potential for borewell replenishment if the Hagari river’s water flow is adequate. Calling for proactive measures, including engaging with water tanker supply associations, the industry seeks urgent intervention to mitigate the crisis and safeguard its operations.

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