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Tirumala Venkata Devaraya a descendent of King Krishna devaraya talks about the current situation of Hampi.

Tirumala Venkata Devaraya is the 20th direct line descendent of King Krishna devaraya. He is currently studying at the University of Durham in England. Tirumala has recently conducted various cleanliness and conservation activities with various local organizations and volunteers and has also written a letter addressed to the PMO a month ago regarding the current situation of Hampi.

Manish Hegdal from Maathu Kathe Podcast recently got in touch with Tirumala for a candid conversation on how he feels about the current situation and what are his plans for the future.

Watch full podcast video here

“It saddens me how the pride of our nation I being treated, there is trash everywhere, monuments being vandalized and security guards aren’t present at most monuments. It is our duty to preserve every part of Hampi due to its rich cultural and historical significance”

Said Tirumala

Tirumala Venkata in his letter to PMO wrote:
Why must it be in ruins? Not only is it in ruins but it has become a haven for all manner of things which run completely against for what the great Vijayanagara empire is significant for. There are not even suitable arrangements for garbage and there is trash lying everywhere. The monuments are not protected in any manner from miscreants and vandals, one has to only visit it to see that. It is outrageous that people treat such a place of sanctity in such a manner. I kindly request that you see this rectified as it is depressing to see such a great place of culture and heritage in such a state of ruin.

I would like to see the city of Vijayanagar/Hampi as it is known now, if not restored to its former glory at least be given the respect that it oh so duly deserves. Tirumala Venkata Devaraya

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