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Water units raise prices with the rise in temperature at Hospet


The private clean drinking water units in Hospet have suddenly increased their water rates due to the supply of contaminated water in some wards as a result of the unscientific operation of 24X7 drinking water services. This has placed a burden on the public.

A few years ago 20-liter can of water cost Rs 2. Subsequently, it was raised to about Rs 5. Eventually, it was raised to Rs 7 in January. Again, the rates were raised to Rs 10.

Private drinking water facilities abruptly raised their water tariffs in response to the rise in demand for canned water. Selling water has recently developed into a reliable industry. Additionally, they provide water to hotels and other commercial establishments.

Approximately 70 to 80 percent of the water is depleted during the process of cleansing 100 liters of water. The majority of units are not equipped with the means of boosting groundwater levels through the collection of groundwater in boreholes. The city now has more than 60 units. If they carry on operating in this manner, they may eventually seriously harm the groundwater. Managing leaking water can be a challenge. Many regions have stopped drilling tube wells. A geologist has stated that if similar actions are not taken, a tragedy will occur in the future.

A woman died and more than 200 people became ill after drinking polluted water in Ranipet in the city. The water supply was replenished using tankers for a few days. It was then revealed that water pollution was occurring in 25 wards of the city.

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