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Village at Sandur chosen for Prabuddha Gram Yojana

The making of a model village

Sandur’s Yeswanthanagar village has been chosen to be developed under the Union government’s Prabuddha Gram Yojana. It is the only village chosen in entire South India.

The scheme would benefit the village in many ways. Under the project, the village will be built as a model village, with an emphasis on basic facilities, cleanliness and digitization.

Yeswanthanagar village is about 13 kilometers from Sandur and has a thriving mining industry. The village has a population of 9,000 people and a literacy rate of 75%.

The Central Scientific and Instruments Organisation named Yeswanthanagar as one of India’s six Prabuddha villages, according to a district administration official. “The scheme would benefit the village in any way. The project is being implemented as a pilot, and more villages from various regions will be added to the scheme soon,” he said.

A central team visited the village a few months ago and recorded all of the requisite information for documentation. “A DPR will be planned, and the project will be implemented as soon as possible. The official went on to say that “good roads, hospitals, power, drinking water, and sanitation services would be improved.”

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