Veeresh, a resident of Guggarahatti village of Ballari district, suffering from Tuberculosis, administered his first jab of Covid-19 vaccine in an Auto rickshaw, as part of the vaccination drive held by the Medical Team of the United Way Association of Bengaluru. He came along with his wife and got vaccinated.
The Covid-19 vaccination drive for the age group of 18+ was held in the Government high school of Guggarahatti village of Ballari district on Sunday. A team of 9 people, led by Dr Ruthvik of the Clinical Medical Team of the United Way Association of Bengaluru, coordinated with the Department of Health and Family Welfare by organizing the vaccine program on the advice of the District.
For the first time in the district, social service-backed voluntary organizations will directly purchase the Covid vaccine as part of the government’s vaccination programme and work with the respective district administration through the Clinical Medical Team led by Dr Ruthvik and vaccinated them in selected slum areas, rural areas and tribal settlements.
Over 600 people have been vaccinated in the program. Of these, 493 were administered by the Clinical Medical team, while the other 100 were vaccinated by the Government Health Department.