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‘Tungabhadra Pushkaralu’ To Begin From November 20

Tungabhadra Pushkaralu is observed once in 12 years and is happening this year from November 20th to 1st December. The glory of river Tungabhadra that flows through the ruins of Hampi, administered by Hosapete Taluk of Ballari district. The tribute is paid to the Holy River that purifies and nourishes life on this planet.

This Pushkaram is observed for a period of 12 days from the time of the entry of Jupiter into Makara Rasi (Capricorn).

Safety measures have been taken to avoid over-crowding at pushakara-ghats, the pilgrims should be given time slots for the holy dip in the river.

The various Ministers from different states asked the officials to arrange sprinkles and showers for bathing/holy dip as a measure of safety since the flow of water in the river is good.

Other safety norms such as thermal screening of every devotee/pilgrim be made mandatory at all the Pushkar-ghats and in the event of any suspicion, they will be asked to undergo rapid test for COVID screening.

An ample number of rapid testing kits should be kept available at all the ghats, the Ministers said.

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