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SSLC exams; Ballari & Vijayanagara Districts all set to conduct effective exam

Even in the middle of a Covid-19 pandemic, the district administration is all prepared and ready to conduct fool-proof SSLC exams scheduled to be conducted on July 19 & 22. The administration has taken all the precautionary measures to stop the spread of infectious Covid-19.

In the academic year 2020-21, a total of 42,989 students have enrolled themselves for the SSLC examination. 222 examination centres have been formed for the exam to be conducted effectively.

The district administration with a good intention of the peaceful conduction of examination has decided to enact and impose CPC 144 section within a range of 200 metres around the exam centres. The District Collector Pavan Kumar Malapati has confirmed to enact the ‘Prohibition of unwanted movement’ around the centres.

The District Collector has also instructed all the Xerox copy centres and internet facilities coming under the radius of 200 metres of the exam centres to remain closed, in order to prohibit foul and immoral practices of cheating in the examination.

The SOPs mentioned by the state government will all be followed with due interest. In each class, 12 students will be scheduled to sit which has accounted for 4038 classrooms.

239 Thermal scanners, 42,127 desks have been allocated for the examination attendees. The students with even mild symptoms of Covid-19 shall be allowed to write the exam in 222 differently allocated classrooms.

All relevant measures have been taken to vaccinate the invigilators and staff members conducting the exams. The students, as well as Staff, shall undergo thermal screening before entering the exam hall.

The exam centres shall be sanitised before and after the conduction of exams. The students and the staff are asked to wear masks compulsorily to the centres and in case of absence of masks, It shall be distributed to the students on spot.

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