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Slipper thrown at Darshan while promoting Kranti movie at Hospet

A Slipper was thrown Actor Darshan Thoogudeepa while promoting the movie Kranti at Hospet. The incident has upset Darshan’s supporters and there has been widespread condemnation from Sandalwood actors and fans against the action of miscreant.

The promotion of Kranti took place on Sunday night in Hospet. When Rachita Ram was speaking to the large crowd, Darshan’s shoulder was abruptly struck by a slipper. Videos were shared & become viral in no time. The actor reassured the audience that nothing had happened and that everything had gone smoothly.

Actors from the Sandalwood industry including Rajavardhan, Dhanveerah, Sachin Cheluvaraswamy, and others have shared messages in four of Darshan with the hashtag #westandwithdarshan.

Actor Sanath & a fan expressed their thoughts on twitter, “The incident wt happened last night @ Hospete is really very bad. Being a fan I am not able to digest n the culprit should be prisoned n punished. This should nt repeat to any persons”

WeStandWithDboss #dboss #Hospete @dbossculthere @dbossofficial8”

Another fan said, “ Keeping all the hate things aside 🥹

Chappali alli hodiddu wrong. I feel sorry for @dasadarshan

sir 💔 Never expected this for an KFI star #Kranti #DBoss #Hospete #KicchaSudeep.”

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