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Rs 10,000 fine imposed on Hospet restaurant for water bottle overcharge

A consumer court in Karnataka has fined a vegetarian restaurant in Hospet, Vijayanagara district, Rs 10,000 for overcharging on mineral water bottles. The complainant, Keshava S P, a 45-year-old advocate from Ramanagara district, brought the case forward.

On July 24, the Ramanagara District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ruled that the restaurant must pay Keshava Rs 20 for the two water bottles purchased, which were charged Rs 10 above the MRP each. Additionally, the restaurant was ordered to pay Rs 7,000 for mental distress and Rs 3,000 in litigation costs.

The order noted a lack of evidence from the restaurant to counter the complainant’s claims, emphasizing that overcharging for packaged goods is illegal regardless of the sales location. The incident occurred on December 28 of the previous year when Keshava and his family dined at the restaurant after visiting Hampi. Despite the MRP of Rs 20, the bill listed each “Aquafina packaged drinking water from PepsiCo” bottle at Rs 30. The staff allegedly abused Keshava when he questioned the overcharge.

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