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RRR: A Three-Way Battle between the Reddys


The upcoming assembly election in Ballari, Karnataka, is being closely watched as it features a high-stakes battle between Janardhan Reddy’s wife Aruna Lakshmi from the KRPP party, Somashekhar Reddy from the BJP, and Na Ra Bharat Reddy from Congress. The election is being compared to the movie RRR, with locals excitedly anticipating who will come out victorious.

As one enters Bellary, the district boasts a signboard that reads ‘Welcome to the Steel City of Bellary’ comes into view. The district is often referred to as the land of the three Rs – Rolls Royces, Reddys, and Red Gold (mining). The Bellary district is famous for its abundant mineral resources. In the run-up to each election, the politicians who were once mining tycoons make grand promises of a ‘golden era’.

The bumpy roads of the city were once seen luxury cars, including Bentleys, Range Rovers, and even a few Rolls Royces, flaunting the immense wealth accumulated by the mining tycoons of the region, particularly the Reddy brothers – Janardhana, Somashekara, and Karunakara – and the Lad siblings – Anil and Santhosh.

Despite being a district rich in mining resources, Ballari has been plagued with poor infrastructure and neglect from political leaders. The roads are in poor condition, and the public sanitation facilities are inadequate. Even basic necessities such as regular water supply are not met, and people are still waiting for the promised development and prosperity. Ballari serves as a glaring example of the lack of progress and political indifference in the region.

Despite being a region rich in natural resources and abundant for over five decades, poverty, malnutrition, and unemployment continue to afflict the people of Ballari. Although mining in the district has been banned by the Supreme Court, the area still struggles to improve the living conditions of its residents.

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