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“RESPOIMMUNE” – Inhalation Liquid.

Respoimmune, the wondrous liquid inhalation therapy fights all bacterial and viral infections. A one-stop solution for all your respiratory issues. This stupendous product is a herbal proprietary inhalation formula which is researched completely on a scientific basis.
Respoimmune inhalation liquid emerged as a blessing for people having Acute, Chronic, Allergic and Infective Respiratory conditions like simple common cold, Acute viral and Bacterial pneumonia, Hyper reactive airway diseases, Bronchitis, Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma, Corona infection and many more.

Respoimmune has been recognized by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of Karnataka. This miraculous liquid has proven to be prodigious due to its active bio-ingredients and it comes in a handy spray bottle and its usage is easy as a pie. All the active ingredients used to make the revolutionary Respoimmune are specially handpicked herbs, fruits, barks and roots, and are manufactured for you in a state of the art GMP certified manufacturing unit.

Why should you use Respoimmune ?

COVID-19 Pandemic has successfully prevailed since January 2020 in India and has taken up the lives of millions. The uncertainty of when the nation will get out of the pandemic continues to exist in the back of our minds. In such a situation, Respoimmune has emerged as a saviour for the people by its phenomenal nature of fighting viral and bacterial infections. The pandemic has had various effects on the human body, Respiratory System of all of us has been at stake. It is also a fact that people with weak respiratory immunity systems were affected the most.
So the situation across the globe demanded a product that could treat the problem and its continuous usage will improve the health of the entire respiratory system without any side effects.

Chakrika Ventures very proudly claim that their product Respoimmune is a one-stop solution for all Respiratory issues. There is no single product in the market to date that claims to treat all respiratory disorders. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs including Oral and Inhaled Corticosteroids, Montelukast, and even nasal Corticosteroid spray.

It is said to cure various respiratory issues like, itchy throat, acts as an immunity booster, and is a natural remedy for blocked nose, which acts in synergy to relieve cough. It also clears the lungs from excess phlegm and excess secretions.

They work on hindering the attachment of the virus to the host cell and alter transcription and translation of viral genome in the host cell and affects the viral assembly.

How to use Respoimmune?

The Respoimmune works wonders and can be used, when stepping out of the houses, while they are going to be in a crowded place, when they’re generally coming in contact with people, by spraying it once or twice on the handkerchief and has to be inhaled deeply. Carry it along with you and this will help kill the virus and bacteria from your nasal, Paranasal and throat area.
This works best when used in an electric steamer or a traditional steaming method by spraying 5-6 times in the steamer and preferably be inhaled every night for 5 minutes from both mouth and nose. It helps in the deep cleansing of one’s throat.
This liquid inhalation therapy can also be used in a nebulizer by spraying the Respoimmune 15 times in 5 ml of water.

The very effective Respoimmune liquid inhaler is now available in all major medical stores in Hosapete. You can also order it from their official website www.chakrikaventures.com or can order it online from Flipkart.

Having said all this, the public is requested to follow the government guidelines to safeguard themselves by wearing masks, maintaining social distancing and getting vaccinated.

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