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Reddy’s appeal to visit Bellary turned down by Supreme Court (Again)

Mining baron and former Minister Gali Janardhana Reddy’s request to visit Ballari was denied by the Supreme Court on Wednesday. Reddy had filed a new application seeking relief from his bail conditions, but the bench comprising Justices M R Shah and C T Ravikumar rejected it.

In a recent appearing, senior advocate Meenakshi Arora, representing Reddy, has requested an extension of the previous relief granted to Reddy. This relaxation was given to Reddy so that he could visit his daughter and her newborn child. The advocate is now requesting an extension of this relaxation due to the upcoming Assembly elections in Karnataka.

It has been reported that Reddy is currently unable to visit Bellary due to the terms and conditions of his bail. The bail was granted by the court on January 21, 2015. Reddy was arrested in September 2011 and granted bail in January 2015. The court had imposed certain conditions, including a prohibition on Reddy visiting Bellary, Ananthpuram, and Cuddapah.

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