Rangineni Steel is embarking on an exciting new venture in Haraginadoni village. This initiative involves the establishment of a sponge iron unit with an annual production capacity of 62,700 tonnes, coupled with a mild steel billet facility capable of producing 39,600 tonnes annually.
Spanning an extensive 78.39-acre expanse, this project will see the installation of a 12 T/H Induction furnace, accompanied by a captive power plant (CPP) boasting a capacity of 6 MW. This CPP will feature three MW of atmospheric fluidized bed combustion (AFBC) and an additional three MW from waste heat recovery boilers (WHRB).
Construction is slated to kick off in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year 2024, with all requisite land acquisition procedures already successfully completed. However, it’s important to note that the project is presently pending environmental clearance.
The anticipated completion date for this ambitious project is December 2025.