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Noblemen’s Quarters – Fascinating Structure & History

Source: Unsplash

Aristocrats used to live here during the Vijayanagara period. The ruins of this Noblemen’s Quarters are spread over a valley on the rocky hills. The best thing about this place is its simplicity. The structure of this place in Hampi is simple yet attractive. The shape of most of the quarters is rectangular. Some of the houses are separated by compound walls and others have horse stables attached to them.

Some Facts About Noblemen’s Quarters


Noblemen’s quarters are situated on the northern side of a mud road which is connected with the Danaik’s Enclosure and the underground temple.

Entrance Fee

No entrance fees are required to visit this place.

Visit Duration

You can explore the place within a few minutes but you can spend up to one hour. The duration varies depending on your enthusiasm.

Best Time To Visit 

You can visit Noblemen’s quarters anytime. 

Note:- It’s better to visit Hampi in the winter season, from November to February.

Noblemen’s Quarters History

The name of this palace is given by archaeologists. Originally no genuine information is available about its history that reveal facts to identify who used to live here. 

But some evidence of gymnasium and water channels, occasional items of gold jewelry, and Chinese porcelain suggests that the inhabitants belong to the royal family specifically to the Vijayanagara court.

Noblemen’s Quarters Structure

After you walk a short distance from the underground temple you will see an excavated palace structure on the other side of the road. It has a masonry basement, plaster floor, and lower portions of rubble walls survive. Earlier it had footing blocks that were supported by footing columns. But presently these blocks have disappeared.

Other things to notice at this palace are its wooden beams, ceilings, and decorative plaster work. The palace is laid out in a pattern of rising levels. Other things at this palace include architectural decorative pieces beside stone basements with friezes of dancing figures. The staircase balustrades with sculpted “yalis”.

The middle levels are arranged in a U shape pattern. After coming back on the road visitors will see a domed pavilion in the south. This pavilion is elevated on the corner of walled compounds. It has arched openings together with balconies carried on the lotus brackets. It might have served as the watchtower. 

Attractions Near Noblemen’s Quarters

Noblemen's Quarters
Source: Pexels

The tour of this royal center starts with the underground temple. It is called an underground temple as it was once semi-buried but currently it is fully exposed. This temple has an austere interior that was generally filled with water because of the surrounding fields. Because of this visitors are compelled to wade through the gloomy halls. 

It is considered that the underground temple is used by the members of the royal household which makes it a good place to visit near Noblemen’s Quarters. Visitors can explore  Mohammedan Watch Tower from the top. Although it is not very close, you can still enjoy the view. You can visit Noblemen’s Quarters on the way to Danaik’s Enclosure and Underground Temple. 

Noblemen’s Quarter’s Current Condition

Out of all the houses, some of the houses have a well-elaborated base compared to the others. These bases were constructed in the multiple-layered trend. According to some resources, military commanders and high-ranking officers lived in this Noblemen’s Quarter.

Besides exploring these houses visitors can experience rock climbing. Climbing on tall boulders to enjoy the sight is a good option. This tall rock is located on the eastern side of the area together with the facility of hand railings to make climbing easier for the visitors.

Final Note

This is all about Noblemen’s quarter, Hampi. You can visit this place though it is not very popular yet its structure attracts many visitors every year to explore this palace that might belong to the royal families earlier. Happy Holiday!

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