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No sale of liquor on Ganesh Chaturthi at Ballari

Liquor supply and sale have been banned in Bellary on August 22 on account of the Ganesh festival. The sale of liquor has been prohibited in order to maintain law and order

Ganesha celebration in some villages is banned in the district, the Administration has blocked the installation of Ganesha statues in private and public areas in the wake of Ganesh festival on the 22nd.

The government’s guidelines for the Unlock-3 phase of reopening of economic and other activities after a prolonged period of nationwide lockdown. The Unlock-3 guidelines that came into effect from August 5 prevents the holding of mass religious, political, social or entertainment events due to the threat presented by coronavirus pandemic.

However, several places of worship including temples, mosques, shrines and pilgrimages have been allowed to reopen while implementing social distancing, crowd control and other health safety measures required to contain the contagion.

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