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Newborns in Ballari to be named after doctors, nurses

In a rare gesture, the COVID-19 warriors from the Ballari district are being honoured by few parents who are planning to name their kids after doctors and nurses.

Ballari saw large numbers of deliveries during the last three months, of which nearly 150 deliveries were of women infected with COVID-19

It was not less than any achievement for the team of doctors who conducted the critical deliveries and ensured all the babies are fine. Out of 150 deliveries, only two cases needed critical care for the newborns, and the rest of the cases the babies were born without any infection.

Showing gratitude to the team of doctors and administration officials a few families from Ballari are now planning to name their kids after doctors and nurses. Deputy Commissioner of Ballari S S Nakul was the first one to get the honours after a newborn baby was named after him in Ballari.

“My wife tested positive for COVID-19 when she was carrying. We admitted her to Ballari district hospital. The doctors and team took care of her nicely and she was able to deliver a healthy baby. We were also overwhelmed by the gesture of DC Nakul and other officials who inquired with us about the health of our family. Its nothing short of second birth for my wife and my kid. Hence we decided to name our son after Nakul,” said the father of the newborn.

Deputy Commissioner S S Nakul wished the kid and family members all the best. “It’s a nice gesture. But its a team effort and we must continue to do it. Such incidents motivate us to take up more work,” he said.

Ballari District Health Officer Dr Janradhan H L said that the team of doctors did a commendable job while treating the newborns and mothers during the last four months. “It’s a proud feeling that many babies are being named after nurses who worked in COVID-19 wards of Ballari hospital. It boosts their morale and their dedication will only improve,” he noted.

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