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Minister Anand Singh not responsible for the closure of ISR Sugar Factory in Hospet.

Siddhartha Moraka

Siddhartha Moraka, the Director of India Sugars and Refineries, clarified that the speculations against Minister Anand Singh for being responsible for the closure of the sugar factory, India Sugars and Refineries (ISR) at Hospet is not true.

The ISR Sugar Factory in Hospet, which failed to follow the norms of the new environmental policy 2016, has been closed, and it is not due to the actions or decisions made by Minister Anand Singh. Mr. Moraka stated that the factory’s closure was inevitable as it failed to adhere to the new regulations.

However, there has been misinformation circulating that the factory’s shutdown was caused by the actions or decisions of Minister Anand Singh. Mr. Moraka made it clear that this is false and that Minister Anand Singh is not responsible for the closure of the factory.

The factory’s location in the middle of the city also added to the challenge of meeting the new environmental policy. The Director emphasized that the factory shutdown is the result of the factory’s failure to follow the norms of the new environmental policy of 2016.

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