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KRRS objects to the sale of land to JSW at a lower price

The Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS) and Hasiru Sene (Green Brigade) have criticized the Karnataka government’s decision to sell 3,667 acres of government land in Ballari to JSW Steel Limited for ₹1.22 lakh per acre. KRRS President H.R. Basavarajappa argued in a press conference in Shivamogga on Monday that, given the market value of land in Ballari exceeds ₹1 crore per acre, the sale price amounts to a giveaway.

Minister for Heavy Industries M.B. Patil defended the decision by highlighting JSW’s commitment to invest ₹90,000 crore and generate 50,000 jobs. He also challenged the government to release a report on the employment outcomes from past land allocations to private firms.

Basavarajappa pointed out that the Congress party, while in opposition, had opposed similar land deals by the previous BJP government. He urged Congress to reconsider its support for this decision, stressing that the government should ensure land losers benefit from the profits generated by these investments. He called for legislation to guarantee such benefits for landowners.

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