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Illegal structures near Virupaksha temple demolished in early morning operation

The demolition of unauthorized sheds, shops, and buildings in the Janata Plot area in front of the Virupaksha Temple at the Hampi World Heritage site began early Friday in a joint operation involving multiple departments.

The operation is being led by the Hampi World Heritage Area Management Authority (HAWAMA) and supported by police and revenue officials.

Previously, homestays in the Janata Plot area were shut down following a High Court directive. Although some shops had already closed, officials found several sheds and shops had been built, encroaching beyond the allotted space. During a meeting on July 11, the authority decided to clear such unauthorized constructions.

Late Notice Sparks Local Protest:

The notice for vacating the illegal structures was issued on the 24th of this month, though officials acknowledged it should have been given earlier. Some locals, supported by MLA H.R. Gaviyappa, requested more time to vacate. However, authorities insisted on immediate action, citing a pending contempt of court case.

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