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Helping hands of Hospet

A young and dynamic team from Hospet has come forward to help the needy when there was a need for help.
“Helping hands of Hospet” led by Alex Dawson has voluntarily come forward to help the poor and needy of Hospet city and around.

The Team has occasionally donated free notebooks to the students who are unable to afford to buy books. Special attention was given to the students going to government schools. The group of volunteers have also donated food, clothes and other necessities to the poor and ashrams.

It doesn’t stop there, the team has always been there for the animals by providing food proper care.
Currently, there are 15 members in the group who are working tirelessly to make great things happen. The main motive of the team is to help the people who are below the poverty line.

“We have received good feedback from the people within a short period of time, anybody can be a part of our team,” Says -Alex Dawson
You can contact Alex at 6364385703 for more information.

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