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Health Minister B Sriramulu’s mother passes away

Health minister B Sriramulu’s mother Honnuramma passed away at Ballari on Friday early morning

The 95-year-old had been admitted to Bengaluru’s Bowring hospital for Covid-19 treatment. Following her recovery, she had returned to Ballari two days back.

On Thursday night, her health deteriorated and she was admitted to a hospital here. However, she breathed her last at around 2 am on Friday.

A few days ago, she, along with her minister-son, was tested positive for COVID-19 and was admitted to Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital in Bengaluru. A source close to Mr. Ramulu’s family claimed that she had recovered and was shifted to her Ballari residence three days ago.

The officials in Ballari did not clarify whether it was a COVID-19 death. However, Deputy Commissioner S.S. Nakul said that “she was discharged from a Bengaluru Hospital” indicating that she had recovered from the pandemic.

Her last rites were conducted at the cemetery today morning

“My mother had recently recovered from Covid-19 and had returned home from Bowring Hospital to Ballari. She passed away late night due to age-related illness.

Sriramulu tweeted

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