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Dealing with the second wave of Covid

Ballari and Vijayanagara administration is doing their best to stop the spread and create awareness among people about the second wave of Covid. Here are all the measures that are taken by the administration to keep you safe, Read on.

SP Lavanya BN was seen distributing masks and creating awareness among the people. She tweeted “We Continue the special drive on enforcing of wearing of masks and following Covid appropriate behavior in commercial establishments. Wear your mask, follow social distance and let’s fight against this second wave”

Minister Anand Singh said that strict measures should be taken without any compromise and penalties should be imposed on those who do not wear masks.

Inspection should be done at the Andhra border and people with symptoms should be quarantined to avoid the spread.
A total of six check posts have been set up where strict inspection will be carried out.

JSW should take strict precautions and mandatory masks and social distancing should be followed along with and frequent sanitization for the safety of the workers.

“A covid infection detection lab is being set up in the district by another week. This allows us to do our own Covid tests and get results right away without having to look elsewhere.” Said DC Pawanakumar Malapati

“There is no shortage of oxygen in Bellary: There are 1128 oxygen beds in the district, of which 115 have been filled. There are 110 ICU beds and 28 are filled. There are 118 ventilators.” He added

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