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Darshan Shows Middle Finger To Media, caught on camera, sparks controversy

Kannada actor Darshan, who faces charges in the murder of Renukaswamy has recently attracted attention for a viral video. In the footage, Darshan is allegedly seen making an obscene gesture towards media personnel. On September 12, during a visit by his family and legal team to Ballari prison, Darshan was filmed walking within the prison premises under the watch of police.

The video, which quickly spread across social media, shows Darshan purportedly flashing his middle finger at the cameras and reporters. This incident occurred as he moved from his cell to the visitors’ area.

The family visit, which included Darshan’s wife Vijayalakshmi, his brother Dinakar, and their two lawyers, was intended for a brief meeting. Darshan also participated in a video conference related to his case. Media personnel recorded his movements, leading to the viral spread of the gesture.

While some social media reactions supported Darshan, others criticized him for the alleged gesture. During the visit, Vijayalakshmi also provided Darshan with dry fruits and bakery items.

Darshan has been in judicial custody for over two months, initially held at Bengaluru’s Parappana Agrahara prison before being transferred to Ballari prison on August 29. This transfer followed a controversy involving a photo of Darshan smoking and making a video call from prison, which prompted authorities to act.

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