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Daroji Bear Sanctuary finally launches Safari

The Forest Department has made preparations to arrange for the Safari vehicles. The prices are set at Rs 400/- for adults and at Rs 200/- for children. A 28 Km safari ride set for 2 hours will be done while simultaneously taking care of the environment around.

The sanctuary has served as the habitat of Various other animals other than bears, like Cheetah, donkeys, Wild Boars, porcupine, fox, crocodile, tiger, spotted, mongoose, rabbits There are over 150 different species of birds in the sanctuary. and many more. This place has been spread across mountains and mid-hill caves.

Daroji Bear Sanctuary of Hosapete has been a famous sanctuary in all of Asia and has now introduced the safari ride allowing the visitors to have a close look at the bears in the sanctuary. Daroji bear sanctuary was started in the year 1994 and is spread across 8,272 hectares of land.

Daroji Bear Sanctuary is home to over 95-105 bears and many other species. The then minister A.Y Ghorpade had set up the Daroji bear sanctuary to embrace and uplift the ecosystem has gained popularity from both Ballari and Vijayanagara districts.

The steps to conserve the environment and ecology, around the bear sanctuary have been effectively taken. The safari also has the responsibility to identify the different adaptations of the ecosystem.

Sanctuary officials are also planning to draw tourists of Hampi to the sanctuary. There is already a preparation for eco-tourism. The bear safari has been launched to promote eco-tourism along with Hampi tourism, said Usha, Zoo Forest Officer of Daroji Bear Sanctuary.

Tourists planning to visit Hampi will maybe visit the Daroji Bear sanctuary since a safari has been arranged for the viewing of the bears. Wildlife researcher Samad Kottoor said this will also boost ecotourism.

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