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Oxygen / Equipment

Covid-19 resource database for Ballari and Vijayanagara

Hospet.online does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website (Hospet.online), is strictly at your own risk. Hospet.online will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website and the information listed in Covid Care database section.

Hospet.online puts great efforts to provide accurate information. However, it is not possible for us to verify every source of information that is submitted to us by the public and our sources.

We are not affiliated with the government or organizations listed within this database.

This database is constantly being updated every day. If you were unable to find something, please check again later.

Feel free to get in touch with us if there are any mistakes in the database such as wrong phone numbers, not responding, or service no longer available.


Ballari Oxygen Helpline

Ballari Oxygen Helpline

Medical Oxygen Suppliers In Ballari

M.S.P.L. Gases

Medical Equipment Suppliers In Ballari

Round Table India, Ballari & Neema Narendra Savla Trust

High purity oxygen concentrator for 7 days (No charges).
15 Oxygen Concentrators For providing Free O² Oxygen Concentrator For Covid Recovering Residents Of Bellary.
Please contact for more details.

Sri Vasavi Kanyakaparameshwari Charitable Trust

Bahadur street (vasavi street) cowl bazaar ballari

Are you an oxygen supplier?

List your service for free on this database

24/7 Helpline For Oxygen And Remdesivir In Karnataka

First Shift Between 6 AM And 3 AM

Yashoda SV +91-94491-96029

Chandra Prabha K +91-96119-76682

Tejaswini C +91-8217507288

Lata KB +91-99644-87492

Hemavati G +91-99160-59429

Vani S +91-98451-30048

Chudamani +91-94807-74708

Padma JT +91-99869-99362

R Sunitha Kumari +91-95350-36811

Nirmala Devi S +91-9448-386453

Shwetha S +91-90368-26616

Suvarna JJ +91-94494-89871

Vijaya K +91-99458-28585

Divya Jyothi +91-95359-10979

Second Shift Between 2 PM and 10 PM

Dr Vinod S Kamble +91-88842-52200

Renuka Swamy HM +91-94490-48659

Krishnoji Rao T +91-99861-97671

Naresh A +91-90609-96880

Arun Kumar R +91-94493-75968

Muniraju V +91-9900-262599

Venkateshappa +91-99458-31452

Abhishek Shrimantha Majjagi +91-98864-64251

Jayanth Patil KR +91-78923-38306

Harshavardhan +91-95385-38118

H Manjunath +91-99452-11810

Night Shift Between 10 PM And 6 AM

C Lingaraju +91-98800-37351

Prasanna Kumar SR +91-94800-92899

Yashavantha Kumar +91-94482-17697

Manjunatha +91-94809-17985

K Shivalingaiah +91-98446-42938

Lakshmi Narasimha Murthy +91-94485-11903

Kiran S +91-99160-86183

J Vijaya +91-91640-25718

Ashok KR +91-93459-43872

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