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Complete Lockdown in the district extends till 7th June

In the wake of an increasingly alarming number of Covid cases in the Ballari district, the administration has extended the complete lockdown till 6 AM on 7th June 2021. The earlier decision of the lockdown extension prevailed till 31st May 2021.

The district administration has allowed the purchase of essential commodities, only for two days, that is on 31st May and 1st June from 6 AM to 12 PM.

The list of services allowed on 31st May and 1st June from 6 AM to 12 PM are:

  • Grocery stores
  • Vegetable shops and fruit shops.
  • Milk booths to function as usual.
  • Fertilizer shops
  • Medical shops to remain open 24*7
  • Agriculture work to continue without any hindrance.
  • Industrial work to continue functioning, workers to remain in the factory only
  • Constructions can be carried out provided the workers are going to reside on-site only.
    (But other shops will remain to be closed)
  • Persons can go to meet inmates in hospital for food etc

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