
CAB & NRC Protest March Hospet


Protest march to oppose CAB & NRC
Date: Monday 16-12-2019
Time: 9:30
Place: Eidga Maidan ISR Road, Hospet.

Some important rules for conducting a peaceful and healthy protest.

  1. You have a right to protest “The heart of the Article 19 says: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
  2. Stopping public officers from doing their job is an offence as defined in IPC
  3. Too much noise pollution may lead a protest to ban
  4. Do not use hate speech or slogans
  5. Article 19 which is one such fundamental right, deals with Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech etc. Holding a protest rally can be protected under Article 19 (1)(a), 19(1)(b) and 19(1)(c).
  6. The reasonable restrictions imposed by 19(2) and 19(3) includes restriction made by state law for the sake of maintaining public order. Therefore, the state may impose certain restrictions over protest rally as it deems fit to maintain public order.

The CAB-NRC package is flawed and dangerous

The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill-National Register of Citizen package undermines India’s ethos, values, citizen rights, foreign relations, and image in an unprecedented manner.

Why is CAB & NRC bad for India?

On December 4, the Union Cabinet gave its go-ahead for the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) to be tabled in Parliament this week.

This would possibly be the first piece of legislation that is perniciously discriminatory on the basis of religion/faith.

This Bill violates Articles 14 and 15 of the Indian Constitution.

It would therefore be brazenly against secularism — the basic structure of the Constitution.

Dhruv Rathee | Reality of Citizenship Bill.

This Bill comes after the National Register of Citizens exercise conducted in Assam.

The NRC has disenfranchised around 19 lakh (1.9 million) people as stateless non-citizens in Assam which was conducted under the supervision of the apex court.

Thus, even the highest judicial institution does not seem to be of any help in this politically motivated exercise of disenfranchising people of a particular faith.

In a Third World country such as India where people in the highest offices are not able to produce authentic educational degrees and certificates as proof of date of birth, the common masses are forced to retrieve multiple documents pertaining to their ancestry.

This has already created a spine-chilling scare among the people in general.

Having found that the NRC exercise in Assam has turned a fairly large number of Hindus also into non-citizens, the Bharatiya Janata Party government, true to its perniciously divisive and hate-filled majoritarian

ideology and praxis, is now coming out with a bill which seeks to provide citizenship only to those refugees who are not Muslims.

Citizenship Amendment Bill | Tharoor, Gaurav, Owaisi 

It is clear that the implications of the CAB-NRC package have not been fully throught through. It is a bundle that undermines India’s ethos, values, citizen rights, foreign relations, and international image.

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