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Bananas banned at Hampi’s Virupaksha temple to stop overfeeding the elephant and littering

The management of Virupaksha Temple in Hampi, Karnataka, has banned bringing bananas into the temple to prevent devotees from overfeeding the temple elephant and reduce littering caused by discarded peels. 

Temple endowment officer Hanumantappa explained that the decision was made in the interest of the temple, the elephant, and the devotees. He noted that visitors often become overly enthusiastic about feeding the elephant, which harms the animal and causes litter with banana peels and plastic bags left behind.

Since news of the ban emerged, the temple has received numerous inquiries. Hanumantappa urged the public not to misconstrue the move, emphasizing that it is a local matter based on the conditions within the temple premises. Virupaksha Temple, a 7th-century shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva, attracts around 5,000 visitors daily, with numbers reaching up to 50,000 on special occasions.

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