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Ballari’s frontline workers to be vaccinated first

Deputy Commissioner Pavan Kumar Malapati urged Health Department staff to cover all frontline activists throughout the drive and submit a report early during a meeting in Ballari on Tuesday.

The Ballari district administration has launched a special vaccination programme in an effort to provide protection to all frontline workers trying to contain COVID-19.

“Vaccination for frontline employees should be prioritised, as directed by the State Task Force. Various departments should make a list of frontline personnel and provide a report within one day, fix a date and vaccinate them all and none of the frontline employees should be left out of the drive,” he said.

People with physical and mental disability, teachers and volunteers deputed for COVID-19 duty, government transport employees, autorickshaw and taxi drivers, workers employed in the supply of electricity and water, postal staff, employees in the judiciary, street vendors, housekeeping and security staff of government offices, employees of Women and Child Development Department, media persons, workers employed in the supply chain of medical facilities, suppliers of cooking gas, workers of oil and pharmacy industry, employees of Food Corporation of India, inmates of destitute homes, caretakers of aged and destitute people, APMC workers are among those categorised as frontline workers as per the new guidelines, Mr Malapati added.

The initiative is being taken up by the district administration in association with Azim Premji Foundation.

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