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Ballari Man kills 15-year-old daughter for having a relationship with a boy of different faith

Omkar Gouda, from Ballari, killed his daughter by pushing her into the Tungabhadra canal near Kudatini town in the Ballari district on October 31. The man surrendered before the police on November 8 and admitted to the crime.

He informed the police that he had chosen to kill his daughter because he was upset about her relationship with a young boy from another community and hence decided to kill her. According to the authorities, the victim’s mother reported her husband and daughter missing on November 1 when they failed to come home.

The accused went to a bank with his daughter on the day of the murder, obtained her transfer signature, and had Rs. 20 lakh placed into his account. He also purchased her a new pair of gold earrings. Later, he took her to a Kannada movie. He requested her to wait while he pulled up in his two-wheeler near the Tungabhadra canal on his way home.

According to his confessional statement, Gouda shoved his daughter into the canal as she screamed for help and then got on his bike. He rode for a few metres while keeping an eye on her and only dismounted once he was certain she had perished in the water. Gouda parked his two-wheeler at his friend’s house after that. Without telling his friend, he boarded a bus for Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh and spent a few days there visiting the temple.

On November 2, however, authorities discovered the girl’s body in the Tungabhadra Canal. Police officers and family members initially believed that the father must have also attempted suicide by jumping into the canal. It has been revealed that the accused used to discuss with his buddies

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